France Passion St Germain Tallevende - Neufchatel-en-Bray
Tuesday 4th June
A photo of our unmowed patch of grass as we were leaving Hirel!
Our journey today towards home was to a France Passion (free night) at an auberge (which was fine but not as lovely as the one with the donkeys on our outward journey - so no picture). It was just south of Vire, so on the way we stopped to have a look around the town. This isn't a church but a gateway into the town.Flags fluttering from the middle of the central roundabout.
We walked steeply down to the River Vire. Don't know what this building is, but it looks like a monastery.
There are several of these towers.
This is the ruins of the church of St Thomas Becket (same chap as Thomas a Beckett, Archbishop of Canterbury).
Wednesday 5th June
Continuing our journey today. I always love to take a photo of this magnificent bridge as we approach it - Le Pont de Normandie.
The other carriageway is being resurfaced. Just as an aside, we've come across quite a lot of roadworks and a few bumpy roads, but no potholes!And so we've come to a favourite stopping place, either going or coming, at Neufchatel-en-Bray. Many years ago we stayed at Camping Ste Claire a couple of times, but in recent years they have made part of the site just for Camping-Cars. (Will take a photo in the morning.)
Right beside it is an Avenue Verte, which we have sometime cycled along, but this time we didn't bring the bikes, so we just had an afternoon walk along it admiring the green countryside.
Of course, no cars are allowed along the path, but at one point, one was approaching us! As it got nearer we realised it was a police car and it stopped beside us! Ooops, they've caught up with us at last! The two officers in the front started jabbering away in French, John asked them politely to slow down, a young lady officer suddenly leant over the chaps from the back and spoke to us in English. They were asking if we had seen a young girl of 14 wearing a white T-shirt. We were very sorry to say that we hadn't - only a couple of sweaty running chaps. We wished them well in finding her and they carried on. We do hope they did.
Railway cottage at one of the road junctions. The police must have opened the gate and driven over the grass - the gaps for walkers and bikes far too small!
Tomorrow night will be our last in France this 19 day trip. Home on Friday.
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