Camping de la Cite d'Alet, St. Malo, Bretagne

 Before we left Conde sur Vire this morning, we walked up the hill to the boulangerie.  First prize for the longest baguette!  This is getting lunch ready when we arrived at our campsite for the next 3 days in St. Malo.


 After lunch washing up and feet-up time! 

Then it was time to explore new territory.  We are on a small promontary just south of St. Malo old town.  Gun emplacements like this are all around the coastline, some with even more dents than this one!

Without us knowing before we arrived, we have come here while a yachting event is on.  While we were down by the marina, we watched a flotilla of huge catamarans coming back in. Apart from them, all sorts and shapes and sizes of boats were in the bay. 

One of the catamarans being piloted into harbour.

Guess where the geocache was!

These musicians were playing as each catamaran came in.
French lifeboat
Looking across to La Cite - we plan to go there tomorrow.
As we walked around the corniche looking across to Dinard.
At the far end of the campsite is a bar/restaurant - fine weather only as all the seating is in the open air behind me!
Looking down on part of our campsite.


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