Fort de la Cite, Aleth, St. Malo

 Lovely sunny day today, so caught up with some washing and a few jobs this morning - as well as chilling out for a while.  After lunch we walked up the hill through the campsite to the Fort de la Cite.  

It was built in 1759 but altered by the Germans during WWII.  There are several of these blockhouses around the site, apparently all joined by a mile of underground passages.

Looking down through to the campsite.
The site is now restored as a memorial and museum.

John interested in the big gun.
Trip boat out to sea - might be one of the ferries.

 Then a walk all round our promontory to the village of Aleth. 

A very sunny view of the cite and the island of Grand Be.

Looking across to Aleth and the Tour Solidor de Saint Servan.

It isn't really a leaning tower!
A rest in the shade under the arches.

The ruins of an ancient cathedral in the village.
And having another chill-out after dinner!
It's tempting to stay in this lovely place a bit longer, but we have new places to explore from tomorrow.


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